Monday, October 9, 2017

The 8 Steps- The Great Working Habits to Create Success

Step 1
100% Attitude-Be Positive:
This business is 99% attitude and 1% ability. Having a great attitude is contagious and will influence others. The better your attitude the more impulse you create. Let the way you think work for you and not against you. Always remember that the better attitude you have, the more fun you will have. Focus on what you can control.

Step 2
Be On Time:
A huge aspect of being successful involves setting the right example. Being punctual will give you the time to set and achieve your goals. Punctuality also proves to others that you are a dependable and reliable business partner.

Step 3
Be Prepared:
Remember the 6 P's: Prior Planning Preparation Prevents Poor Performance

Step 4
100% Work Ethic:
Be the hardest working person you know. Make every second count and work each day to the fullest. Put 100% into everything that you do: working your territory, your attitude, and being a great example in the office. You determine your rate of success.

Step 5
Maximize Your Territory:
Push yourself to talk to more people today than you did yesterday both in the field and in the office networking. Set a higher goal every day!

Step 6
Safeguard Your Attitude:
Thinking positively improves every situation. Protect your attitude by relying on the law of averages and taking quick no's and quick yes's. There will always be negatives personally and professionally, but you can control your attitude. Having a great attitude is a choice, remember every no brings you closer to a yes!

Step 7:
Know Why You Are Here and What You Are Doing:
What the mind can conceive and believe it can achieve. Why are you here? It may be money, success, freedom, success, or the satisfaction of accomplishing your goals, but make it personal to you.

Step 8:
Take Control:
The opportunity which lies before you is a great one, but it is up to you to take advantage of it. Take control of your short, middle, and long term situation.

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