Wednesday, April 11, 2018

Customer Loyalty

In this section, we will be talking about customer loyalty 
Customer loyalty according to is "the result of consistently positive emotional experience, physical attribute-based satisfaction and perceived value of an experience, which includes the product or services. Consider who you yourself are loyal to."Having customers loyal to your brand is important because they will always choose you first when they want to buy their products. It is extremely important to always have the products available and provide the best customer service, so people will choose you over any other brand. Some examples of how you can lose customer loyalty are the following,If you do not have availability of the productspeople will get to your company looking for a specific product, if they cannot find it, they will go to their 2nd option, and that option will become their number one since they will not come back to your store to see if you already got the product back, people are normally in a rush, they will go to their secure option. If your employees provide a bad or slow customer serviceCustomers will not go back to a place where they were not helped or assisted, or if the employees in the place took too long in helping them with what they were looking for. They will always remember that bad experience they had with you and worst, they will spread the comments around so no one goes to your place because they do not want them to have those experiences. Also, they will advice other places where they had a good experience. You have to be very careful with all of this. 

If you do not provide help and support, If a customer reaches back to you looking for support or an exchange and you do not provide it, you will lose that customer completely. He/she will never like to buy anything in your store or from your company because they think you will never provide any help or return to them with any of your products. To avoid all of this issues, you have to be very careful with everything about your customers, and actually, follow the rule "the customer is always right", is better to help them than leaving the problem and losing existing customers and possible future ones. 

Keep the ones you already have happy and give a good first experience so you create new ones. Customer loyalty is a must for your company to succeed, also, is very rewarding, there is nothing like happy customers who love to talk great about what you have created. 

Natalia Cardenas

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Customer Loyalty

In this section, we will be talking about customer loyalty  Customer loyalty  according to is "the result of ...