Friday, October 6, 2017

Psst: We Got the Scoop

In the Direct Marketing Industry, understanding how to interact with potential clients is crucial to the success or your work on a day to day basis. As customer acquisition specialists, we are constantly honing our interpersonal and communication skills. If you are pitching an idea or product to a customer, there are several key steps that can follow to establish a professional business relationship, while also boosting your sales.

The 5 Step- Control a Conversation and Create Impulse 


Step #1- The Introduction:

This is your time to shine my friend. You only get one chance to make a first impression. The introduction a nice ice breaker to make people feel more comfortable. The goal is to be 10% more excited than the customer. Treat every customer as if it is their first time hearing your company's name. Their first impression of you and the company should reflect the overall values of the company, therefore; the customer should always perceive you as warm, welcoming, and energetic. Always remember to smile, make eye contact, and remain excited. Your smile creates comfort and approachability. Eye contact builds trust and shows confidence. Eye contact also tells the customer that you are 100% invested in your time with them. You are there to listen to them and communicate to them the products and services that your company can provide them. Lastly, excitement builds curiosity. If you aren't excited about your own product, no one else is going to be either!

Step #2- Short Story:

Give the customer a brief summary of your background as well as the key information about your company and the products and services which you provide. In other words, let the customer know who you are and what you can do for them. Always remember to Keep It Short and Simple (KISS). Anchor the customer with the tablet or flyer into their possession. This is an interactive way for the customer to make discoveries on their own. Possession creates a sense of connectivity and urgency. 

Step #3- Presentation:

Now that you fully have the customer's attention and they are listening to you, explain to them the product. Paint a picture for them so they have a clear understanding for how you can assist them. Use buzz words and remember to speak in the past tense. Lastly, remember to stay excited; however; remember indifference because you are not a salesperson. Let the customer know that you are a human being who is actively taking an interest in them and their needs. 

Step #4- Close:

After you have thoroughly presented all of the information to the individual you have been speaking with, get a definitive yes or no answer from them. Engage with the customer by nodding and addressing the specific comments and concerns that they may have. **AVOID SILENCE** Additionally, use phrases such as: "Here's what's going to happen next" or "who do I make the receipt out to." Ask yes-yes questions.  Most importantly, remember to always close on a positive response.  Regardless of if they listened to you or not, wish them a good day and thank them for their time.

Step #5- Rehash: 

Consolidate the deal to ensure installation and prevent buyer's remorse. Clarify and reiterate the deal. Be positive and make the customer feel great about the deal that they signed up for. Make sure ANY and ALL  of the customer's questions have been answered. Explain the next steps that will happen. Leave every customer better than they found them. Remember everyone has another sale hidden. Behind every yes is another yes. 

These steps have proved to be incredibly effective in our experience in this industry. Above all, the best advice we can give to other business professionals is to remain kind, polite, and engaged when out in the field. No matter where you are, you are always representing your company and their values.

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