Sunday, October 29, 2017

“Find a Way to Win” -Gavin Walsh

This weekend, the Machulin’s Marketing Inc. team traveled down to sunny Miami, Florida for the Southeast Fall Leadership Conference. The conference took place at the Miami Marriott Biscayne Bay Hotel, which is beautifully situated on the marina with incomparable views of the gleaming skyscrapers downtown. Account executives, corporate trainers, administrators, and company managers from businesses all along the east coast of the United States attended the conference.

The event began with a general introduction session conducted by Gavin Walsh, founder and CEO of MarketStorm Global. This session was held in a large conference room with a tall wooden podium and rows of comfortable chairs for all the of the guests to sit in. Walsh discussed how this field presents endless possibilities for motivated individuals. After having all of the audience swap seats with people they have never met before, he stated that if you push yourself out of your comfort zone, opportunity will always find you. Reinforcing this idea, several members of the audience were awarded a $200 cash prize concealed in an envelope attached to the bottom of their chairs. One of these winners was Marrisa Cao, one of our top corporate trainers in the office! Marrisa had swapped seats with another corporate trainer, who was all the way on the other side of the auditorium.

Walsh stated that when challenging yourself and your goals, you can always “find a way to win,” regardless of the problems or challenges that you may face. He reiterated that we are so fortunate to work in an industry where work will never pass away or disappear. There are 252 cities in the United States and 195 countries in the world. Ultimately, every person needs to create a vision for themselves in order for them to pursue their hopes and dreams. Change is direct result from this vision that you hold for yourself. Create your goals and know that you are in control of your own growth and accomplishments.

Walsh concluded his speech by congratulating all the members of the organization who won the Top Leadership Award, recognizing their actions and hard work within the industry. After this introductory statement by Walsh, the audience broke into groups according to their different titles and the roles. In this manner, each person was able to collaborate with other individuals who perform similar tasks and objectives in different offices along the east coast. Each session was educational and loaded with helpful information to ensure the growth and improvement of each individual. Guest speakers voiced their experience and gave their audience advice on how to work effectively and efficiently in order to reach their specific goals.

The conference then proceeded to recognize individuals within the organization who have recently received promotions to management. Concluding this informative and motivating day, everyone was eligible to participate in a billiards tournament. They were also invited to a networking event held at Blackbird Ordinary Bar.

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