Wednesday, April 11, 2018

Customer Loyalty

In this section, we will be talking about customer loyalty 
Customer loyalty according to is "the result of consistently positive emotional experience, physical attribute-based satisfaction and perceived value of an experience, which includes the product or services. Consider who you yourself are loyal to."Having customers loyal to your brand is important because they will always choose you first when they want to buy their products. It is extremely important to always have the products available and provide the best customer service, so people will choose you over any other brand. Some examples of how you can lose customer loyalty are the following,If you do not have availability of the productspeople will get to your company looking for a specific product, if they cannot find it, they will go to their 2nd option, and that option will become their number one since they will not come back to your store to see if you already got the product back, people are normally in a rush, they will go to their secure option. If your employees provide a bad or slow customer serviceCustomers will not go back to a place where they were not helped or assisted, or if the employees in the place took too long in helping them with what they were looking for. They will always remember that bad experience they had with you and worst, they will spread the comments around so no one goes to your place because they do not want them to have those experiences. Also, they will advice other places where they had a good experience. You have to be very careful with all of this. 

If you do not provide help and support, If a customer reaches back to you looking for support or an exchange and you do not provide it, you will lose that customer completely. He/she will never like to buy anything in your store or from your company because they think you will never provide any help or return to them with any of your products. To avoid all of this issues, you have to be very careful with everything about your customers, and actually, follow the rule "the customer is always right", is better to help them than leaving the problem and losing existing customers and possible future ones. 

Keep the ones you already have happy and give a good first experience so you create new ones. Customer loyalty is a must for your company to succeed, also, is very rewarding, there is nothing like happy customers who love to talk great about what you have created. 

Natalia Cardenas

Monday, April 2, 2018


In this section, we will be talking about the importance of networking. According to the Merriam-Webster, networking is "the exchange of information or services among individuals, groups, or institutions; specificallythe cultivation of productive relationships for employment or business"

This means the relationships are and could be very helpful to grow your business. Networking is extremely important, especially when you are trying to start a new company or when you want to penetrate a new market. Knowing people who already work in a specific market is a big help, you will be able to promote your brand better,  and know who to talk to get better results. Also, you get advice from people who have been in your situation before. You can avoid mistakes by listening to others realities, you never know, they could have been in your same position before. 

How to create a big network? 
You have to get out of your comfort zone and use your social skills to meet new people who might be crucial to your company's future performance.Get out there and talk to people, assist to meeting and reunions, always be ready with business cards and elevator speeches. Besides, as you create and build relationships, you also learn and develop social and communication skills, getting out there and talking to people makes you understand the environment and helps you get some new skills as you learn with each person you talk to. 

Here at Machulin's Marketing, we help you develop those skills to grow your network and to be successful in building relationships. Here everything is about brand loyalty. To create brand loyalty will help your company to customer retention and to get new clients. In our company, we try to teach each of our employees how to have the correct social and communication skills to get the most of each relationship.You might think you do not have the skills a or you are not a social person, there are some people who think that depends on the personality. It could depend, sometimes it is easier for some people to be social and talk to others, but there is nothing you cannot teach yourself to do. That is why you have to be in a place where you can learn all those skills. 

What are you waiting to get out there and start networking? get yourself out of the comfort zone and talk to people, Start Now...Join our team #machulinmarketing

Natalia Cardenas 

Friday, March 16, 2018


The mentality at the workplace is extremely important. Having a positive mind and knowing specifically what you want to achieve help you to be consistent and keep trying even when you fail. 
People will say NO to you a lot of times but you got to keep believing in what you have to offer and have the right mentality to convince others to see what you see on the product. 

Your mentality must be what keeps you believing, what gives you perseverance and consistency when you have to work for your future and goals. Is what lets you identify and take advantage of the opportunities. 
At Machulin's Marketing you create your own growth, how efficient you work you get results. Your progress is up to you. 

Our CEOS have an extremely strong mentality and they show how being positive helps to become a successful entrepreneur. While you work here you will be able to develop all these aspects in your personality. No one comes to life knowing everything, humans learn and can adapt to every situation. You will be surprised to know what you are capable of. 
Different studies say that humans only use 10% of their brains, this means we are able to achieve anything we set our minds to. 
We just have to develop and work on having a strong mentality, think outside the box and let the positivity always triumph over negativity. 

Having the mentality of a boss will help you to become one. Even the most famous CEOS in the world have started from the bottom and have had learned and developed different aspects in their personalities to become what they are now. 

At Machulin's Marketing, we give you the key elements and the opportunity to learn and develop all the skills you will need for your future career. Here we are a family, we help each other, we are friends with our co-workers and the most important thing, we are always students because we are learning everyday. 
We will help you set up that boss and positive mentality for sure. 

 Natalia Cardenas 

Wednesday, February 21, 2018

Atmosphere to Succeed

Image result for workplace boringAt Machulin's Marketing we understand the environment of the place where you work is extremely important for you to succeed and for the company to grow. 

Working could be annoying sometimes. Waking up early, setting up schedules, talking to employees or to your boss, finding parking, working in an office for eight hours. Plenty of things can make going to work stressing and boring.

But, what if you actually start liking to wake up early, because you cannot wait to get to your office. To get to work and do what you like, to find the nicest coworkers. To finish your day feeling proud of yourself of what you have achieved day by day.
This attitude can be developed with two important drivers. First, how your boss has set the atmosphere in the work place and second, your attitude when you go to work. The heads of the company should take into account that creating a great environment within the employees and the place where they work is extremely important. And how can they create it?  We will give you some tips we use in Machulin's Marketing to create a great environment. 

Image result for workplaceAs a boss you must be the most positive person in the room, you are the image of the company not only for the customers but also for the employees. If you as a boss keep daily positive conversations with your employees and try to put emotions in your speeches you can catch their attention and make them follow your actions. Also, remember to encourage them and give them some examples of past employees who were successful working hard for the company. Show yourself as a productive person, someone who is doing something all the time, there is no time to waste at the work place. 
If you feel the employee is trying to start a negative conversation, try to turn it gently and finish it with a positive outcome. Create an enthusiastic spirit and get your employees to be on a mood to win and achieve whatever goal they set theirselves for. Another tip would be to put leaders who have these ideas clear with new employees so they will help them to develop the positive and enthusiastic atmosphere you are looking for. This is what we provide in Machulin's Marketing and using our leaders as guides help our employees to become and achieve whatever they set theirselves to.  
Image result for workplace happiness

As an employee, remember to always have a positive attitude. What you say and think is what you attract. Be happy of everything you achieve daily, every achievement is important and worth it. It could be more about self esteem and how you want others to see you. As a negative grey cloud? Or a person who brings light to the office?
We always try to understand each of our employees because at the end we all are different and unique. So, being comprehensive and supportive creates a trust and a firm relationship our employees

Natalia Cardenas 

Tuesday, November 14, 2017

Promotions, Promotions, and More Promotions!

              Machulin's Marketing Inc. is thrilled to announce Ozayda Agulo Gonzalez as our newest assistant manager!  Ms. Gonzalez has been a vital member to the Machulin's team for approximately seven months. In this short period of time, she has already managed to work her way up the corporate ladder to this executive position. Her hard work and positive attitude has helped her acquire the skills and knowledge to consistently train new employees, while also boosting sales by record numbers with every consecutive week.

              Ozayda Gonzalez was born and raised in Cuba by her mother along with her younger brother. At the age of twelve, Gonzalez and her family moved to the United States and settled in Fort Myers, Florida. After high school, Ozayda took online classes at Keiser University to further her education. She worked diligently to obtain a Bachelor of Arts degree in Business Administration Management, which she achieved in only three years. At the age of twenty, she moved by herself to Miami, Florida in hopes of starting her career. After pursuing several different positions which focused in customer service, hospitality, and management, Gonzalez learned that these opportunities lacked growth and development. Despite these experiences, Gonzalez yearned for more challenges to hone and prefect her skills and ambition. Fueled by her unwavering passion and desire to become an entrepreneur, Gonzalez began working for the corporation at The Plato Group. After being mentored by Steve Dongo for three months, Gonzalez moved to Tampa to continue her work in the training program here at Machulin's Marketing Inc.

              Gonzalez prides herself on being driven, goal oriented, and consistently maintaining a student mentality when it comes to her day to day performance both in the office and out in the field. She is trilingual in English, Spanish, and French. Gonzalez has a passion for hospitality and customer service. Her overall goal as she continues to hone her management skills is to eventually give back to the community. "I want to give other people with the same opportunities that were provided to me," says Gonzalez.  Her exceptional leadership skills as well as her dedication to the training program has led to her success here at Machulin's Marketing Inc. Gonzalez thanks her family, friends, and her team for encouraging her on this journey. Congratulations Ozayda!

Saturday, November 4, 2017

Presenting Our New Assistant Manager

Machulin's Marketing is proud to announce Christopher Dominguez as our new assistant manager!
At this morning's weekly Opportunity Meeting, Dominguez gave a speech about his experiences and accomplishments.

Originally from Dade County in Miami, Florida, Dominguez is the middle child of three and was raised by a single mother. His mother would work long hours as a maid to support her children. Dominguez knew from a very young age that he wanted to be successful and provide for his family, especially his mother who had sacrificed everything in order to give him and his siblings the best life possible. While Dominguez always knew that he wanted to make something of himself, the road was not always easy. In high school, Dominguez stated that he lacked discipline and independence. At this point in time, he was very unsure of what direction he wanted his life to go. He joined the JROTC and worked a variety of different minimum wage jobs. It wasn't until he had his daughter that Chris was propelled to strive to achieve more with his life. His daughter motivated his to step out of his comfort zone and seek an entry-level career in the business world.

Dominguez went on to talk about his experience at The Plato Group with CEO Steve Dongo. Dominguez was at the Plato Group for about a year, before relocating to Tampa and joining the Machulin's Marketing team this May. In both his first and second round interview, he discussed how at the time he was only concerned about making the most sales as quickly as possible. It wasn't until his first Saturday morning Opportunity Meeting that he began to understand the infinite possibilities for growth and opportunity that this booming industry has to offer. Dominguez went on to describe the four traits he believes has carried him to this point in his journey. First, he believes that an exceptional attitude will always lead you to success. "You need to change your perspective in order to start thinking positively. Learn to accept what you can and cannot control in life," Dominguez claimed. Second, all people must work with a student mentality. "Have the willingness to learn and use constructive criticism to better yourself." The next trait that he talked about was work ethic. While discussing an effective work ethic, Dominguez quoted Gavin Walsh who spoke to the corporate trainers last Saturday at the Southeast Leadership Conference. During the conference Walsh told the audience, "You can't expect a million dollar paycheck when you have a minimum wage work ethic."Dominguez believes that by attacking each task with 110% effort,  you will always see positive results in your work. The last trait he talked about referred to an individual's level of preparation. In addition to being organized, Dominguez advised the audience to work by their goals, instead of by the clock.

Lastly, Dominguez captivated his audience's attention by explaining that he is no exception to the opportunities available in this training program. "Every single person who begins as an account executive has the potential to be where I am standing right now," he concluded.

 In this industry, each person is in control of their own growth. Christopher Dominguez is a prime product of this notion. Machulin's Marketing Inc. is very excited to continue to shape Mr. Dominguez as he continues to strive to become a well-rounded and experienced entrepreneur. Dominguez thanked the audience including Steve Dongo, his employer while at the Plato Group, as well as his current promoting owners, Jonny Paniagua and Jose Barreto. The managers proceeded to award Dominguez with his own framed "Entrepreneur Biography" to join the "Wall of Fame," which displays all the other managers around the nation.

Christopher Dominguez lives by these words: "It doesn't matter how slowly you go, as long as you don't stop."

Sunday, October 29, 2017

“Find a Way to Win” -Gavin Walsh

This weekend, the Machulin’s Marketing Inc. team traveled down to sunny Miami, Florida for the Southeast Fall Leadership Conference. The conference took place at the Miami Marriott Biscayne Bay Hotel, which is beautifully situated on the marina with incomparable views of the gleaming skyscrapers downtown. Account executives, corporate trainers, administrators, and company managers from businesses all along the east coast of the United States attended the conference.

The event began with a general introduction session conducted by Gavin Walsh, founder and CEO of MarketStorm Global. This session was held in a large conference room with a tall wooden podium and rows of comfortable chairs for all the of the guests to sit in. Walsh discussed how this field presents endless possibilities for motivated individuals. After having all of the audience swap seats with people they have never met before, he stated that if you push yourself out of your comfort zone, opportunity will always find you. Reinforcing this idea, several members of the audience were awarded a $200 cash prize concealed in an envelope attached to the bottom of their chairs. One of these winners was Marrisa Cao, one of our top corporate trainers in the office! Marrisa had swapped seats with another corporate trainer, who was all the way on the other side of the auditorium.

Walsh stated that when challenging yourself and your goals, you can always “find a way to win,” regardless of the problems or challenges that you may face. He reiterated that we are so fortunate to work in an industry where work will never pass away or disappear. There are 252 cities in the United States and 195 countries in the world. Ultimately, every person needs to create a vision for themselves in order for them to pursue their hopes and dreams. Change is direct result from this vision that you hold for yourself. Create your goals and know that you are in control of your own growth and accomplishments.

Walsh concluded his speech by congratulating all the members of the organization who won the Top Leadership Award, recognizing their actions and hard work within the industry. After this introductory statement by Walsh, the audience broke into groups according to their different titles and the roles. In this manner, each person was able to collaborate with other individuals who perform similar tasks and objectives in different offices along the east coast. Each session was educational and loaded with helpful information to ensure the growth and improvement of each individual. Guest speakers voiced their experience and gave their audience advice on how to work effectively and efficiently in order to reach their specific goals.

The conference then proceeded to recognize individuals within the organization who have recently received promotions to management. Concluding this informative and motivating day, everyone was eligible to participate in a billiards tournament. They were also invited to a networking event held at Blackbird Ordinary Bar.

Customer Loyalty

In this section, we will be talking about customer loyalty  Customer loyalty  according to is "the result of ...